Fescue Zoysia Bermuda
Fescue (Tall)
Tall Fescue grasses are desired in our region by many customers. Fescue grows best during the earlier winter months and it continues a slower growth during the year. It will stay green for the most part of the yearly cycle; except for the hottest drought seasons without adequate water. Proper watering and irrigation can minimize the loss of health or color.
Common and specific Bermuda grasses create a strong smooth turf. Bermuda grows early spring to the late fall season. Bermuda will naturally appear brown as it continues into a near dormant growth during the colder months. Bermuda requires watering and irrigation for the best smoothest turf during the hotter month of the year.
Zoysia is a hybrid grass in our area and it is planted by sod or plugs early in the spring months. Zoysia is a slower growing grass and it develops a smooth and strong turf. Zoysia will naturally brown after the colder months arrive during the winter months; as its dormant cycle. Zoysia is considered a very attractive grass.
Summer (months) Appearance
Irrigation will help a heat stressed lawn recover.
Winter Appearance
A fall dye can be applied to reduce the natural browning.
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Winter Appearance
A fall dye can be applied to reduce the natural browning.
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